How to Quote for Commercial Cleaning Services
Quoting for commercial cleaning contracts might seem complicated at first, but it’s quite straightforward once you understand the basics.
Remember, not winning a contract isn’t the end of the world.
It simply means that particular client wasn’t the right fit for your business. Your aim is to find clients who see the value in your services and are willing to pay for quality.
Here’s the thing: your cleaning business needs to offer more than just cleaning staff. In the commercial cleaning sector, your job is to reliably provide cleaning services at a client’s location, ensuring tasks are completed thoroughly and consistently over time. This is where freshOps can help systemise your reliable and consistent services. The success of your business hinges on creating efficient systems and knowing exactly who your ideal client is while providing exceptional value to your customer.
Quoting Basics
To quote for a cleaning job, start by figuring out how long it will take for the cleaning tasks to be done for each visit.
For a consistent daily schedule, calculate the total hours your cleaner will work each day, multiply by the number of days services are provided weekly, then by your hourly RATE. Spread this cost over a year and divide by 12 to get a monthly rate.
For a varied schedule, calculate the total weekly hours, multiply by your hourly RATE, spread this to an annual cost, and divide by 12 for the monthly rate.
Why quote monthly?
Businesses prefer predictable costs for budgeting. Monthly billing aligns with their accounting cycles, making your service a fixed cost they can plan for, unlike weekly billing which can vary from month to month.
Setting Your Hourly Rate
Determining your hourly rate isn’t as simple as asking around on social media.
Your rate should reflect your specific business needs, including your market, target customers, and your company’s goals and values. It’s tempting to use others’ rates as a benchmark, but your business is unique.
Your rates should cover your costs, allow for profit, and reflect the value you provide.
If you don’t know where to start developing your unique rate, then download our “YOUR Rate Creator™ Template”