Importance Of Rostering Software For Cleaners
freshOps delivers the best in Operations Management software, especially for mobile workforces. We can help you work with any existing Rostering Software, but many of you might not know that we are the Rostering Software for many of our clients. We help you work who to put on when based on their skills, availability and where they will be. All in real time.
What does rostering software do?
Intelligent rostering software accesses databases to extract HR records such as qualifications, time and attendance, training records and personal information. Rosters are then automatically created based on employee availability and the shifts they may have already worked. This software calculates the known needs for the shift, for example in a restaurant or retail sector, it knows to schedule more staff at peak times of the day. Or more staff may be required to deal with deliveries or peak trading seasons like Christmas.
When the rosters are completed the Rostering software will calculate the ideal working pattern for the business to optimise your available resources. This information is then linked back to your time and attendance records for all of the hours worked by an individual and can monitor how closely this has matched the suggested rostering. For most of you simply doing this in freshOps rostering and scheduling modules will be sufficient.
What are the benefits of combining a single database HR and Payroll System with Staff Rostering software?
One of the main benefits has to be the potential cost saving to the company. The software accurately matches staff to customer demands and the needs of the business, therefore over or under-staffing can be avoided, leading to lower wage bills and hopefully increased customer satisfaction!
By integrating the systems on a single database this enables all data to be up to date in both the HR and Payroll departments and eliminates any duplication of data. Using freshOps as your rostering software will also be helpful when staff don’t turn up for work or call in sick. Suitable employees can then be called in to cover these shortfalls and instantly reallocated the same work.
With one-click transferring of a shift temporarily we can let you intuitively communicate with employees who have the necessary skills to fill a staffing gap and have requested to be available for overtime. Just SMS to confirm and you are away.
So throw away your spreadsheets and Outlook calendars!
Our clients tell us that Rostering software that replaces static spreadsheets or even Outlook calendars is a must for any organisation that has to juggle shift patterns or staff in multiple locations. Enjoy the benefits of cost savings, tighter control of labour costs and the availability of up to date accurate information at your fingertips. It’s a fully integrated system with a single database, providing you one source of truth.
Having a forecasting system integrated with your HR and Payroll system will give you the tools for a fully optimised workforce.